《电源世界》创办于1998年,是由中国电源学会、广东省电源学会与广东省电源行业协会联合主办的一本集电源技术、市场于一体的专业刊物。被收录入《中国期刊全文数据库》,《中国学术期刊文摘》。十年来得到了行业内外众多专家、企业决策者、研发及市场销售人员、广大电源用户的关注与支持,现已成长为一本集专业性、市场性、时效性为一体的权威刊物。 《电源世界》创办于1998年,是由中国电源学会、广东省电源学会与广东省电源行业协会联合主办的一本集电源技术、市场于一体的专业刊物。被收录入《中国期刊全文数据库》、《中国学术期刊文摘》。十年来得到了行业内外众多专家、企业决策者、研发及市场销售人员、广大电源用户的关注与支持,现已成长为一本集专业性、市场性、时效性为一体的权威刊物。
As “The World of Power Supply” started publication by “China Power Supply Society” (CPSS) 、“Guangdong Power Supply Society”(GPSS) and “Guangdong Power Supply Association”(GPSA) in 1998, she makes the way in power supply to be standard, special and marketable. Ten years, we have got the attentions and supports from experts, decision-maker of corporations, investigators, sellers, users in power industry. The editors of our magazine are professional, they have rich experiences, strength in this field. So, the information from our book will be more benefit to the high-level managers, engineers, or buyers. In the coming days our magazine will more contact with market and power use, the latest technique, products and market trend in power supply trade. “The World of Power Supply” should make greater contribution to the development of China power industry.
As the door of China power supply industry, http://www.cps800.com is professional and abundant, and we try our best to provide more information to the high-level managers, engineers, users or power lovers.