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媒体资源网 http://www.allchina.cn 2018/2/2

This Is The Pepsi 

Cindy Crawford-Pepsi-2018-cover


不!不仅仅如此,百事可乐的正式广告片中,还出现了曾经出现在百事广告的许多经典面孔——迈克尔·杰克逊、布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、传奇车手Jeff Gordon、Uncle Drew、甚至是经典电影《回到未来》里的DeLorean 跑车。

这支68秒的导演剪辑版广告将正式启动百事可乐的这一波“Pepsi Generations” 主题广告传播战役。创办于1898年的百事可乐也将在今年8月28日迎来自己的120周岁生日。

“在过去120年悠长岁月里,百事可乐已经成为一个标志性品牌,百事可乐永远是在为流行文化、音乐和体育运动而欢呼与喝彩。”百事饮品北美区首席营销官Greg Lyons这样说,“这支广告将把它带向我们的日常生活。我们在超级碗广告里带回了许多品牌历史中的符号性艺术家。”

2018年百事可乐超级碗广告《Pepsi Generations-'This is the Pepsi'》是由百事公司的内部营销团队自己进行创作和制作的。百事公司在1分8秒的基础上已经裁剪了一支30秒标准广告,将在今年超级碗中场Justin Timberlake 表演前的广告时段进行投放。

超级碗2018- This is the Pepsi -30sec

The Pepsi Generation was the theme of an advertising campaign for Pepsi-Cola, a U.S. brand of soft drink, that launched in 1963 as the result of a slogan contest. A new car was awarded to the writer of the winning slogan. The contest was the brainchild of Alan Pottasch, a Pepsico advertising executive, and it was won by Appleton, Wisconsin resident, Ellen M. Reimer. Her slogan invited consumers to "Come Alive! You're the Pepsi Generation!" The original "Come Alive" jingle was performed by singer Joanie Sommers in her memorable "breathy" vocal style.