程昱凡专访Stefan Kolle:创造力就是我们的生意
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作为德国获奖最多的创意代理商之一的 Kolle Rebbe,在创始人以及创意执行长Stefan Kolle的率领下,10多年来不断制作着伟大的作品。这篇访谈将让您了解他们的工作方式以及一些关于德国广告的讯息。
As one of the most awarded agencies in Germany, Kolle Rebbe Hamburg still delivers on its promise to produce mind-blowing work as it did a decade ago under the stewardship of Stefan Kolle, its founder & chief creative officer.
The interview lets you know how they work and why it works, as well as something about German advertising.
Cheng Yufan is an international copy base creative, whose agency experience spanned different continents, Ogilvy China, Marcel Republique Paris, to name but a few.
He’s currently working on a project to interview some of the most influential folks in the industry, in order to share their thoughts, experiences with Chinese creatives, and he believes it’s healthy for the growth of Chinese advertising.
Cheng Yufan :As a typical question to start an interview, could you please give us a brief introduction to you and your agency?
Stefan:我叫Stefan Kolle,负责Kolle Rebbe的创意事务,我已经在这个行业工作超过20年,在这之前,我就学于柏林艺术大学。当时我计划与和室友Stephan Rebbe一起发展,不过在完成学业之后我们各自发展了,好在1994年,我们终于成立我们自己的广告公司,最初的客户包括高卢烟和迪斯尼。1997年我们抱回了第一座嘎纳金狮而那也是我们的一个重要里程碑,从此,我们开始快速成长。时至今日,我们有超过180位员工为Google, Youtube, 大众,奥林巴斯以及Nike等客户服务。
Stefan:My name is Stefan Kolle, I’m the head of the creative department at Kolle Rebbe advertising and have been working in advertising for more than 20 years. Before that I studied at the Hochschule der Künste (University of the Arts) in Berlin. At the time, I was planning to move together with my friend Stephan Rebbe in a flat share. However, after our studies, we went our separate ways first. But in 1994, we finally set up our own agency. Our first accounts were Gauloises Cigarettes and Walt Disney. An important milestone was winning our first Cannes Lion in 1997. Since then, we have been growing continuously. Today more than 180 colleagues work for clients like Google and YouTube, the Volkswagen Group, Olympus or Nike.
他就是Stefan Kolle。
程昱凡:据我所知,德国代理商只在欧洲地区扩张,即便那些成立很久的代理商,如 Springer & Jacoby,Jung von Matt等等,也仅仅只是在欧洲内部发展自己的网络,这是为什么呢?
Cheng Yufan :As far as I know, German agencies don’t expand outside Europe, even long-established shops, such as Springer & Jacoby, Jung von Matt etc. have only expanded their networks within the borders of Europe. Why is that?
Stefan:尽管欧洲国家正在透过欧共体这个组织快速成长为一个整体,你还是不能忽视这些国家之间的文化差异,要建立一个有运作能力的网络,你必须掌握不同的知识技能,运用大量的直觉,尤为重要的是,大把的精力,”你要知道,意大利很不同” 这是在泛欧洲会议中最常常会听到的话语之一,这正是我认为的原因所在:即便在欧洲要建立起一个能充分运作的网络也非易事。
Stefan:Although Europe is becoming an increasingly homogenous entity through the EU, you simply cannot underestimate how many different cultures exist side by side here. To establish a functioning network, you need a lot of know-how, plenty of intuition and, above all, bundles of energy. “You know, Italy is different.” That’s one of the most frequently heard quotes in pan-European meetings. And I think that’s the core reason: building up a functioning network in Europe is just very tricky.
Cheng Yufan :At last year’s Cannes Advertising Festival, German agencies walked away with 54 lions in total, 5 more than the UK. Do you think Germany is now finally a major player in the world of advertising today, like the UK or the United States?
当谈论到投寄作品参加广告奖项,德国绝对不逊色任何国家,但是真正伟大的,以及 ”真实的” 作品依然来自英国和美国。
Stefan:It’s a little bit like football. You’ll always see teams like Barcelona and Manchester United playing against each other in the finals of the Champions League, and who always wins the world cup? Brazil. But Bayern Munich and Germany are also good contenders. And we’re definitely at the top of the league when it comes to submitting creative work specially done for festivals to festivals. But, the truly great and, above all, “real” work still gets done in England and America.
程昱凡:您提到了 “真实的” 作品,那么请问您怎么看待那些只为奖项而做的广告作品?
Cheng Yufan :You said “real” work, so how do you think of the creation that’s specifically done for award show?
Stefan:Like every fashion show has its creations hardly anyone would dare to wear offside the catwalk every festival has it’s creative skating exhibition and that’s ok. It’s about inspiring work and it gives you the opportunities to show the world what you are capable of.
程昱凡:2年前Kolle Rebbe赢得了一支崇高的D&AD平面类别的黑色铅笔,而在那一届的比赛中,D&AD仅仅颁出2支黑色铅笔,有趣的是,另一支给了R/GA的一则数码作品,您认为这是否传达出了一个讯息,就是在创新媒体被广泛运用的今天,传统媒体依然重要?
Cheng Yufan :Kolle Rebbe was awarded the most-coveted “Black Pencil” at the D&AD 2 years ago in the print category. That year D&AD only handed out 2 black pencils; it’s interesting that the other one went to R/GA for its non-traditional digital work. Do you think there was a message in that, in the sense that traditional media is still important, despite the vast growth in the use of innovative media?
Stefan:25年以前,有一首歌曲名为 “Video killed the radio star”(电视使广播明星消失)。具有讽刺意味的是与当时相比,现如今广播甚至变得更强大,更富有创新以及令人激动。所有的一切都源于互联网,印刷媒体并不会很快消亡,海报更具有互联网所缺乏的力量,我们更多的不是去探究媒体的类别,而是考虑什么样的点子最为强大。
Stefan:25 years ago, there was a song called “Video killed the radio star”. One of the ironics is that radio today has almost become stronger, more innovative and exciting than it was back then. And all because of the internet. Print media won’t go extinct that quickly, and posters have many strengths where the internet just can’t keep up. We shouldn’t be looking at media forms as much, but should be thinking about which ideas are strongest.
Cheng Yufan :Could you tell us how did the creatives come up with the black pencil idea?
Stefan:首先我们的创意团队选择摆脱传统的NGO广告路子,就是以那些恐怖的典型的画面来展现第三世界,其次,我们的创作人员仔细观察他们周遭的一切,他们充分让自己的内心敞开。这套作品的点子里的元素是来自真实生活的,非洲墙壁上的绘画,布满弹孔的墙壁等等。而最直观的,让这套作品如此成功的原因,那就是因为插画师Eva Salzmann的出色执行。
Stefan:The most important thing was that they chose not to approach the NGO topic with the all-too typical, horrific images we’re always being shown from the Third World. The second most important aspect was that they took a close look at their surroundings. They kept their eyes and ears open. The motifs that went into the idea are real-life motifs: African wall paintings and bullet hole ridden walls. What obviously made the idea such a success, as well, was the way it was beautifully executed by the illustrator Eva Salzmann.
Kolle Rebbe赢得了D&AD黑色铅笔的作品。
Cheng Yufan :Was it hard to sell the campaign to the client?
Stefan:Not at all. The idea was obviously so strong it didn’t just impress juries, but clients as well.
Cheng Yufan :Germany is doing quite well these days at Cannes, D&AD etc. However, what you do notice is that German agencies seldom produce great film work. How come?
Stefan:这可能与电影业在美国以及英国的影响力和规模要大于德国有关,德国绝大多数的电视节目只是一味地模仿美国和英国的节目,比如,The Office 和 Curb your enthusiasm等。可能在我们的骨子里已经不再有电影文化这回事。不过不管怎么说,来自汉堡Nordpol+的 “The power of the wind” 在去年嘎纳广告奖上差一点拿下影片类全场大奖, 而且我们也曾在这个类别赢得过金,银,铜的狮子。
Stefan:That may have to do with the fact that the film industry is larger and far more influential in America and England than it is in Germany. Most TV-shows produced in Germany are nothing more than feeble imitations of English and American originals, e.g. The Office or Curb Your Enthusiasm. Maybe we just don’t have film culture in our genes anymore in Germany. Nevertheless, Nordpol almost won the Cannes Grand Prix last year with “The Power Of Wind”, and it isn’t as if we’ve never taken home Gold, Silver and Bronze Lions in the category.
Cheng Yufan :What can be done to achieve success for brand?
Stefan:The basis for the success of a brand product first depends on its concept. Differentiating products is so expensive nowadays that it makes more sense to apply more creativity in the development of a product than trying to differentiate it later on in the communicative measures.
Cheng Yufan :But doesn’t that exceed what an advertising agency is supposed to do?
Stefan:We work in a service business for ideas. The worst case scenario is if an idea is only good enough for a double-page spread and a 20-second ad. But this is still all too often the case.
Cheng Yufan :What could modern advertising look like?
Stefan:We produced a 50-minute cinema release film for our client Youtube to coincide with the EURO 2008 Football Championship – using clips submitted by YouTube users. Or take, for example, our Bionade campaign with more than 50 different billboards – for different locations. It shows quite clearly that you have to think more in terms of messages instead of channels.
Cheng Yufan :More than one year ago, Grey London appointed its new ECD who was never considered a traditional creative director, although it isn’t quite surprising the appointment came about at the likes of CP+B, it still happened in one of the old-school ad agencies. How did you react to this news?
Stefan:Yes, that did come as a big surprise. But it really just showed that just because it’s Grey, they don’t necessarily have to be dated in their approach. It’s not as if idiots work there, after all – and don’t think a huge steamer like Grey won’t be positioning itself for the future. In general, it’s never healthy to underestimate anybody, ever, just because they seem uncool. That sort of attitude can quite easily backfire on you.
Cheng Yufan :Lots of big clients gave their international business to small agencies, instead of mammoth networks. Do you really think a locally-based, small hotshop is capable of handling international business?
Stefan:呃… 我们负责奥林巴斯在30个国家的广告业务,所以,是啊,这是可行的。
Stefan:Well, we’re coordinating advertising for OLYMPUS in 30 countries. So, yes, it works.
Cheng Yufan :Is it necessary to understand the local cultures to do international work?
Stefan:那是肯定的!广告始于语言。不要忘了,俄国的Lada Nova汽车在西班牙惨遭失败仅仅是因为 “no va” 在西班牙语中是 ”别开”。 不过,你必须小心别过分稀释了伟大的创意以致失去了它原本的力量-只因你作出了成百上千的妥协。
Stefan:Absolutely! It starts with the language. Don’t forget, Russia’s Lada Nova car was such a flop in Spain, because “No va” translated into Spanish means “Doesn’t Drive”. Nevertheless, you have to be careful you don’t water down excellent ideas so much that they lose their original strength – because you’re making hundreds of thousands of compromises.
程昱凡:Kolle Rebbe是一间创意导向的代理商,那您是如何在创意和生意之间保持平衡?
Cheng Yufan :Kolle Rebbe is a creatively-led agency, how do you keep balance between business and creativity?
Stefan:Creativity is our business. And that’s exactly what our clients expect from us.
Cheng Yufan :What’s your dream client?
Stefan:Everyone on our client list. I particularly like working for companies where the original entrepreneurs are still actively and passionately involved in their business. That’s still the case with big brands like Google, YouTube or Nike. This spirit itself is stronger than the spirit of the profit margin.
Cheng Yufan :What work done by your agency makes you most proud?
Stefan:为高卢烟创作的 ”Textfilm”,那件12年前的作品当初为我们赢得了第一座狮子。这个点子就算在今天依然有效。
Stefan:The “Textfilm” for Gauloises, which won us our first Lion in Cannes 12 years ago. It still works to this day.
Cheng Yufan :Some time ago I read an article that said Berlin would be the new creative capital of Europe. We know London has a long history of writing great ad copy, Amsterdam is renowned for its open-minded and multi-cultural attitude; so, what does Berlin have that would be able to make it happen?
Stefan:Berlin’s cheap! Flats don’t cast much, life is affordable for everybody. And that obviously attracts lots of creatives, musicians, painters, architects, writers, film makers. Apart from that, with its geographic right in the heart of Europe, Berlin is a melting pot of western and eastern culture. These ingredients have added up to create a climate that is unique in Germany.
程昱凡:去年Kolle Rebbe在北京为一个大众的项目工作,能否向我们描述一下这项工作的内容?
Cheng Yufan :Last year, Kolle Rebbe worked on a VW project in Beijing. Could you give us an outline of that project?
Stefan:2年前我们基于其主张 “驾驶的想法”为大众公司创作了一套企业形象广告。这套广告后来调整一下了并沿用于北京奥运会,因为大众公司是奥运会的主要赞助商。我们参与了企业展区的部分设计并使用了之前平面广告的主题:其视觉就是一个巨大的用稻草做成的为汽车加油用的喷嘴,这个点子就是为了介绍SunFuel,一种全新的由大众公司研发的生物燃料。
Stefan:Two years ago we developed a corporate campaign for Volkswagen based on the claim “Driving Ideas.” The campaign was adapted and continued at the Olympic Games in Beijing, where VW was present as a major sponsor. We designed part of the corporate pavilion and used a motif from the print campaign. What you saw was a huge petrol pump nozzle completely made out of straw. The idea behind the visual was to introduce SunFuel, a new form of bio-fuel Volkswagen helped develop.
kolle Rebbe为北京奥运会期间,大众汽车创作的广告。
北京奥运村里,大众汽车展馆里的kelle rebbe作品。
Cheng Yufan :What do you know about China’s advertising industry?
Stefan:As in many other areas, China is making huge progress in advertising. I’ve been there twice, talked to lots of colleagues who have worked or taught in China, and am also getting to know more and more Chinese advertisers in juries at international competitions. Quite an interesting experience, by all means! We’re also scaling up our cooperation with a China’s local agency, our partner from thenetworkone. In January, we sent one of our colleagues to Beijing for a couple of weeks. In exchange, we’re welcoming a Chinese art director in Hamburg soon. I’m very excited about how things are developing.
Cheng Yufan :When the right time comes, do you think you might set up shop in China?
Stefan:为什么不呢?如果我了解什么事情了,我就不会说 ”不”。
Stefan:Why not? If there’s thing I’ve learnt then it’s never to say no.
Cheng Yufan :What do you do when you’re not working?
Stefan:I spend time with my family – mostly near the water. It’s relaxing and inspiring at the same time. Other than that, I love travelling – that too, because it’s just as relaxing as it is inspiring.
Cheng Yufan :How do you stay creative?
Stefan:inquisitive and hard to please.
下一期的被访谈者是来自可能是这个世界上最前卫牛X的荷兰代理商Kessels Kramer的创意总监Dave Bell。
The next interview is with Dave Bell, founder and creative director at Kessels Kramer Amsterdam, probably the trippiest agency in the world.
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