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媒体资源网 http://www.allchina.cn 2018/6/14

Sir Martin Sorrell


昨天早晨,WPP集团的每一位员工都收到了来自集团联席COO Mark Read发出的一封内部信,他在信中释放出相互尊重,并希望给大家打一针强效安心剂。



这封信中并未直接提及报道中的任何说法,取而代之的是Mark Read聊起了集团的工作环境:“WPP所有的工作环境都必须让员工感到安全放心和受到支援的。”

Mark Read还写道,他和另一位联席首席运营官Andrew Scott将会对“集团内部行为准则的实施情况进行复查和审核”,并将类似的审查工作分配给集团中的其他领导团队。

更具体地说,他鼓励那些想提交匿名报告的员工使用求助热线“Right to Speak”。根据WPP集团的官方人事政策,“Right to Speak”也是WPP为员工提供的一个“由第三方管理,由公司内部进行监督”的求助途径。


Mark Read的内部全员信对事件真伪其实也是只字不提。


When I come to work I expect to be treated with respect by my colleagues, and every one of you reading this has the right to expect the same.


You will no doubt have read the press coverage this week about WPP and Martin Sorrell, including allegations about his behaviour towards people at the parent company. Although we can’t comment on specific allegations, I feel we should remind ourselves of and reinforce the kind of values we want and need to have within every part of our business: values of fairness, tolerance, kindness and – again – respect.

毫无疑问,大家本周大概都已经看到有关WPP集团和苏铭天的新闻报道,以及针对苏铭天一些行为的指控。尽管我们不能对具体的指控发表评论,但我认为我们应该以此提醒自己,强化我们的价值观,那些在我们的工作中方方面面都应该具有的价值观— 公平、宽容、友善,以及上文中提到过的—尊重。

It should hardly need saying that all WPP working environments must be places where people feel safe and supported. They must also be places where people are able to raise concerns if they want to, and where those concerns are dealt with when they need to be.


For many years WPP has had the “Right to Speak” helpline, available to everyone across the Group, through which you can raise issues without fear of reprisal. This is an independently operated service that protects the identity of anyone who would rather not speak directly to their line manager or other senior people about their concerns. I encourage you to use it if you ever feel the need to report something on a confidential and anonymous basis. You can find the details for the helpline in each country on InsideWPP.

多年来,WPP一直设有“Right to Speak”求助热线,所有人都可以使用。通过它你可以提出问题,而不必担心遭到报复。这是一项独立运营的服务,可以保护那些不愿与直属上司或其他高阶领导谈论自己关切的每一个人。如果你想匿名报告某件事情,我希望你能使用它。你可以在InsideWPP上找到每个国家相应的求助热线的详细信息。

In addition, Andrew and I have committed to the Board that we will lead a review of how our policies and codes of conduct are put into practice at the parent company, and how we can make improvements. Our leadership teams will be doing this throughout the Group.


We all want WPP and its agencies to continue to be home to the world’s best talent, which means creating a positive, supportive and inclusive culture in every office. More importantly, it’s the right thing to do.


In the last eight weeks I have spent a lot of time with our agencies and clients, and there is tremendous positivity and confidence about the future of the business. Let’s stay focused on that, and continuing to build a company we are all proud of.



Mark Read

Chief Operating Officer, WPP

This email was sent by: WPP 27 Farm Street London, W1J 5RJ, United Kingdom





