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苏铭天的"至暗时刻" | 广告野史

媒体资源网 http://www.allchina.cn 2018/4/18 19:36:00

“Thank you.”
敲完最后一行字,点击发送,这封告别信随即进入了全球近20万人的邮箱。在4月14日宣布卸任前,73岁的Sir Martin Sorrell,或者我们更习惯称呼为苏铭天爵士,是全球最大广告传播集团WPP的创始人兼CEO。
回顾盛世长城的发家史,“频繁兼并”是最具标志性的行为。萨奇兄弟有言:“对一家公司而言,除非他们的体量能排在行业最前列,否则永远算不上是真正伟大的公司。”无疑,这一思想深刻影响了苏铭天。1985年,他出走另立门户,与合伙人一道用67万美元买下了英国上市公司Wire&Plastic Products(电线与塑料产品集团)。如你所见,WPP正是这串英文的缩写。
从1987年到1989年,短短两年内,苏铭天通过大量贷款,先后以5.7亿和8.6亿美元恶意收购了智威汤逊和奥美,震惊业界。得知此事,78岁高龄的奥格威老爷子怒不可遏,直言“奥美被他收购真让我痛心”,更将其斥为“无耻混蛋”(The idea of being taken over by that odious little jerk gives me the creeps)。
相比事业上获得的巨大成就,苏铭天的个人生活则略显波折。2003年,他与妻子桑德拉感情破裂,后者提出的离婚原因是“他太沉迷于工作”。当时,这是英国司法史上涉及金额最大的一场离婚案,最终桑德拉获得了超过3500万英镑的财产。几年后,他与就职于世界经济论坛的Cristiana Falcone结婚。
也许正因如此,在最近一次集结了WPP前二十大股东、专门讨论苏铭天问题的会议上,才会有人提出:“如果他确有此等行为,董事会应立即与他分道扬镳。他确实曾为WPP做出贡献,但没有他集团也能活的很好。”继续支持苏铭天的也大有人在,WPP第三大股东,Harris Associates首席投资官David Herro就出言力挺:“尽管问题重重,但他毫无疑问是带领WPP继续前进的最佳人选。”
To everyone at WPP:
For the past 33 years, I have spent every single day thinking about the future of WPP.
Over those decades, our family has grown and prospered.
We welcomed J. Walter Thompson, Ogilvy, Young & Rubicam, Grey, 24/7 Real Media, Taylor Nelson Sofres, among so many others.
We created GroupM, including Xaxis and Essence.
We put the focus on Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East and Central Eastern Europe, the home of the next billion consumers. We embarked on the early development of digital capabilities; and the evolution of a firm-wide integrated client and country-centered approach.
Our holding company was recognized as the world's best and most effective through the Cannes Lions and Effie Awards year after year after year.
We pioneered Atticus Awards for original written thinking…. the WPP Fellowship Awards to recognize promising talent…. the Partnership and Practice Awards for client endorsed integrated market and case studies.
Our Stream digital conferences have attracted the best in the digital business for more than a decade.
Our Annual Sustainability and Pro Bono Reports highlight the unique social, environmental and public policy work that we do day in, day out across the globe.
As I look ahead, I see that the current disruption we are experiencing is simply putting too much unnecessary pressure on the business, our over 200,000 people and their 500,000 or so dependents, and the clients we serve in 112 countries.
That is why I have decided that in your interest, in the interest of our clients, in the interest of all shareowners, both big and small, and in the interest of all our other stakeholders, it is best for me to step aside.
We have had a succession plan in place for some time. A new generation of management, led by Mark Read and Andrew Scott (who have each been at WPP for approximately 20 years), are well qualified and experienced in the Board's opinion, to deal with the geographic and technological opportunities and challenges our industry faces.
We have weathered difficult storms in the past. And our highly talented people have always won through, always.
Nobody, either direct competitors or newly-minted ones can beat the WPP team, as long as you work closely together, whether by client and/or country or digitally.ther stakeholders, it is best for me to step aside.
In the coming period, I will be available to the Board and any of you, should you want help with anything, anywhere. I shall miss all of you greatly. You have given me such excitement and energy and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done and will do for WPP and me.
As some of you know, my family has expanded recently, WPP will always be my baby too.
As a Founder, I can say that WPP is not just a matter of life or death, it was, is and will be more important than that. Good fortune and Godspeed to all of you…now Back to the Future.
Thank you.
( Martin Sorrell )